Don’t Believe the Wipe

Don’t Believe the Wipe
Wet wipes have become a part of people’s everyday life to an extent that many ask themselves how we ever lived before them. Well, the first concept for wet wipes hit the scene in the ‘60s, and the moistened napkin was only adapted for a wide array of uses after the 90’s.
So really, people have been living without wet wipes for, well, most of the time.

As an invention designed for comfort and convenience, wet wipes have recently come under fire because of their not-so environmentally friendly status.
So what’s up with that?
Whether you use wet wipes for cleaning your hands, scrubbing grubby surfaces or for personal hygiene down there, the majority of them are made with plastic resins like polyester or polypropylene! You won’t see that written on the package though, because most wet wipe brands only list the ingredients of the liquid that moistens the fabric!
So what happens to wet wipes when you throw them away?
They either end up in a landfill, where it takes up to 100 years for them to biodegrade, or LITTERED, as you might have noticed on camping trips and long hikes, and finally, FLUSHED, where they end up entering sewers and our waterways.
Flushing wet wipes down the toilet is polluting, and no-one wants to be a polluter. Not only does plastic pollution pose a huge threat to the environment but as the majority of wet wipes are non-biodegradable, they cause serious trouble to the wastewater systems as well as making their way into our oceans.

Recently a lump of congealed fat and household waste was 40 metres long and so heavy it broke Chelsea sewer, costing Thames Water £400,000.
Don’t believe us? If you have a strong stomach, Google ‘fatberg’ and see how large and impactful these blockages can be.
And wet wipes make up more than 90% of the material causing these sewer blockages which end up costing the UK taxpayer a staggering £100m annually.
EVEN when wet wipes manage to break down, they shed fibres and slowly break down into microplastics, polluting land, rivers and oceans, and entering wildlife and human food chains
Well we at Wype said flush that, there must be a better way.
And that is how Wype gel was born.
We have created an eco-friendly alternative to the wet wipe, specifically designed for the flushers among you. Our Wype gel is packed with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E, Wype is kind to your body, while being kind to the environment. The formula is completely biodegradable, 99% natural, vegan and cruelty-free.
As the UK experiences an increase in non-flushables littering coastlines and riverbeds, Wype is determined to change consumers’ minds to switch to a more eco-friendly product. With Wype there is no need to worry about the harmful environmental impact or blockages to your toilet - all you need is regular toilet paper and your bottle of Wype!

Be the first to try out that Wype clean feel.
Click here and use ‘PREORDER20' at checkout to claim 20% off along with free UK shipping.
Switching from wet wipes to an eco-friendly gel will not only help combat plastic pollution but it will also save hundreds of millions of pounds of taxpayer’s money.
Plastic pollution is no joke, switch to Wype and stop being an arse!
#CleanUpDownThere #WypeUK #ThinkBeforeYouFlush
Is your product suitable for very sensitive skin? Is it stocked by any supermarket or chain such as Boots or Superdrug?
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